laser hair removal

Hair removal went so well

As a rule, I avoid any body hair removal like the plague. I hate having my legs waxed and you can forget about the bikini zone. I’ve looking into alternatives for some time now and have decided to get laser hair removal, Melbourne is getting warmer and I’ll need to start wearing shorts. I’m fearfully shy and I hate having to try small talk with people I have nothing in common with. That may make me sound like a terrible person but I don’t really care.I’m just not all that interested in talking about the weather or my plans for the future and so on. My mother finds this particularly annoying and tends to force me to interact with strangers to get me out of my comfort zone. Today happens to be one of the days that I am to go to the beauty clinic. I’m trying to be positive about the experience, and even invite my mother along to do the talking for me. Grudgingly I accept that I will have to eventually fend for myself and take control of my own life. I am sure to be surprised and pleased with the outcome of my laser hair removal.

I found this particular beauty clinic to be fantastic. I was completely at ease from the moment I walked through the door.  Believe it or not but I actually enjoyed my conversation with the staff. It did not seem forced at all nor did it make me feel super uncomfortable or frustrated. Their ability to use the laser was also so superb that by the end of the experience I had forgotten why I had previously hated hair removal. Before I left, I had secured an appointment for the following months to get more laser hair treatments in Melbourne. I was very excited to come back in just a few weeks to have the treatment again and to continue my conversation with the lady.