My bags are packed and sitting by the front door, the four-day forecast looks perfect (sunny, warm but not too hot, not a chance of run), and I’m ready. The only problem is suffering through uni while I wait for the day to be over and the long weekend to begin. It’s not often in Easter you get this kind of weather, so Robbie and I intend to make the most of it, hitting the coast for the weekend.
Easter also happens to be our one-year-aversary, so Robbie booked us a kind of suite room thing in the best accommodation in Lorne. Victoria has some pretty great beaches, I should know, my family holidays on the other side of the bay, but nowhere gets the kind of swells Lorne gets in Easter. I mean, there’s a pretty good reason why Bells is held around that time. They don’t call it a king tide for nothing. I’ve been teaching Robbie to surf for about three or four months now so I can’t wait to see how he goes on some real surf. I know it’s a bit of a role reversal, but we’ve never been an overly traditional kind of couple. Anyway, the weekend’s shaping up to be pretty wicked.
Along with the whole ‘role reversal’ line is the fact that Robbie’s paid for our stay in Lorne. Accommodation is pretty expensive, but when I asked to pay, he was all ‘don’t worry about it, you can buy food’. I get that’s he’s just trying to be a bit of a gentleman, but it’s just so completely unnecessary. I have a pretty sweet job, I can help out paying for stuff. He doesn’t have to do it all on his own. So I figure I’m just going to bring some money and sneak it into his bag when he’s not looking. Or pay for petrol as well or something like that. I know it’s a bit small of me, but equality is for everyone, right?