All I Ask is for Clean Web Design

So, while everyone’s obsessed with that show about cakes, I seem to be the only person actually getting things done. It’s all well and good to watch a show about baking and get ideas, but it’s making me seriously regret leaving the TV on in the kitche. All the bakers just stop and watch it, […]

Strange Paths in Life

It’s well known that pursuing a degree in the humanities or the arts can lead you to unexpected, (and sadly, sometimes unglamourous) careers. For instance, my mate Sarah got her masters in philosophy and now she’s a civil servant, and Jem who got his BA in archaeology turned out to be a network security officer. […]

Grand Farewell Funeral Service

My uncle was what a lot of people called a free spirit. He was one of those people that captivated the attention of everyone around her. His aura was so vibrant, it was almost impossible to take your eyes off her. Unfortunately my uncle had been fighting cancer, which he had neglected to tell us for […]

Expanding my skills as a GP

I had never have considered dry needling courses until three years ago. I’d just gotten out of uni and was a year into my practice as a general practitioner. The work was a good balance of challenging and rewarding and after a six-year degree I felt that I was done with studying for a while. […]